
Akyol, A. C., Cooper, T., Meoli, M., and Vismara, S. (2014) 'Do regulatory changes affect the underpricing of European IPOs?', Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 45, pp. 43-58.

Bertoni, F., Meoli, M., and Vismara, S. (2014) 'Board independence, ownership structure and the valuation of IPOs in continental Europe', Corporate Governance: An International Review, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 116-131.

Cattaneo, M., Meoli, M., and Vismara, S. (2015) 'Financial regulation and IPOs: Evidence from the history of the Italian stock market', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 31, pp. 116-131.

Premi e riconoscimenti

2016 CFA Society Toronto and Hillsdale Canadian Investment Research Award

2015 Research award by the University of Bergamo (5 per mille) for research activity during 2014.

Michele Meoli

Ordinario di diritto, Università di Bergamo,


Socio dal 2007
