1. Papers selected for the Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Management Meeting (Best Papers). Colombo, M.G., Moreira, S., Rabbiosi, L., "Learning-By-Being-Acquired: Post-Acquisition R&D Team Reorganization and Knowledge Transfer".
2. Best paper award, EDIM 2015 conference. Spina, L., Bartezzaghi, E., Cagliano, R., Colombo, M.G., Longoni, A., Rossi Lamastra, C., Rovelli, P., “Opportunity Exploitation and TMT’s Organizational Configurations”.
3. Best Paper Award, “Uddevalla Symposium 2013”. Bonaccorsi A., Colombo M.G., Guerini M., Rossi Lamastra C. The role of geographical, social and cognitive proximity in collaborations between high-tech entrepreneurial ventures and universities. Kansas City, USA, 13-15 June, 2013.
4. Best Paper Award ‘Runner up’, “First international entrepreneurship research AOM exemplars conference”. Colombo M.G., Franzoni C., Rossi-Lamastra C. What determines the success of crowdfunding projects? The crucial role of early backers. Catania, Italy, 23-25 May, 2013.
Academic conferences
1. SMS special conference on “Strategy challenges in the 21st century: innovation, entrepreneurship and coopetition”, Palermo extension, 3 July 2016, invited panelist on “What we know about governmental veture capital?”.
2. Druid Winter Conference, Bordeaux, 12-15 January, 2016. Invited keynote speech on “Venture capital in Europe: The role of the institutional environment”.
3. ERC Understanding small business growth 2015, invited keynote speech on “Making a successful crowdfunding campaign: The role of social capital”, Birmingham, 11 February, 2015.
4. Workshop Imprenditorialità, Università di Bolzano, invited keynote speech on “Student entrepreneurship at Politecnico di Milano”, Bolzano, 28-29 November, 2014.
5. XXXVIII Convegno di Economia e Politica Industriale, Ancona, 26-27 September 2014, “L’industria – Rivista di economia e politica industriale”, invited keynote speech: “Capitale umano, imprenditorialità e crescita: il ruolo della student entrepreneurship”
6. International research workshop on “Science-based Innovation”, invited keynote speech on “Science and radical innovation: The role of universities in local entrepreneurial systems””, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, October 2013.
7. Academy of Management First International Entrepreneurship Conference on “Entrepreneurial ecosystems and the diffusion of startups”, Invited panelist on “Boundaryless startups: Towards building an entrepreneurial ecosystem”, Catania, Italy, May 2013.
Policy and practice oriented oriented events
15. ANVUR, International workshop on "The evaluation of third mission of universities and public research organizations”, Rome, 4 May 2015, invited keynote speaker on: “Student entrepreneurs from technology-based universities: the impact of course curriculum on entrepreneurial entry”
16. Banca d’Italia, Conference on “L’innovazione in Italia”, invited speaker, Rome, January 2014.
17. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, SciREX International Symposium 2013 on “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation: Current Challenges and Policy Options”, invited speech on “The role of venture capital for the governance of innovative young firms: Evidence from Europe”, University of Tokyo, Japan, October 2013.
18. European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), Roundtable of Entrepreneurs, invited keynote speech on “Financing entrepreneurial ventures in Europe: Impact on innovation, employment growth, and competitiveness”, Grundlsee, Austria, July 2013.
19. OECD, Policy Workshop on “Seed and Early Stage Financing”, invited speaker, Glion, Switzerland, April 2013.
20. ANVUR, Conference on “La terza missione delle università e degli enti di ricerca. Esperienze, dati, indicatori”. Invited speech on “Creazione di start up e imprese spinoff”. Rome, April 2013.
Ordinario di diritto, Politecnico di Milano, Ingegneria Gestionale
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