
Alfieri, A., Cantamessa, M., Montagna, F. and Raguseo, E. (2013) 'Usage of SoS Methodologies in Production System Design', Computers and industrial engineering, vol. 26, no.2, pp. 562-572.

Neirotti, P. Paolucci, E. and Raguseo, E. (2013) 'Mapping the Antecedents of Telework Diffusion: firm-level evidence from Italy', New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 16-36

Neirotti, P., Paolucci, E. and Raguseo, E. (2013) 'Is it all about size? Comparing organizational and environmental antecedents of IT assimilation in small and medium sized enterprises', International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 82-108

Elisabetta Raguseo

Ordinario di diritto, Politecnico di Torino,

Ricercatrice T.D. tipo B

Socio dal 2010
