
Agostini, L., Filippini, R., & Nosella, A. (2015). Brand‐Building Efforts and Their Association with SME Sales Performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(S1), 161-173

Agostini, L., Filippini, R., & Nosella, A. (2015). Management and performance of strategic multipartner SME networks International Journal of Production Economics, 169, 376-390

CANTARELLO S., NOSELLA A., PETRONI G., VENTURINI K., 2011, External technology sourcing: evidence from design-driven innovation, Management Decision, Vol. 49 Iss: 6, pp.962 - 983

Premi e riconoscimenti

-Agostini L., Filippini R., Nosella A., 2012, Protecting Intellectual Property to enhance firm performance: does it work for SMEs?, International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics and Knowledge Cities World Summit, IFKAD-KCWS, Knowledge, Innovation and Sustainability: integrating micro and macro perspectives, 13-15, June, Matera, Italy, ha ottenuto il riconoscimento quale Highly Commended Award - Agostini L.,Cavaggioli, F., Filippini R., Nosella A., “Patented Inventions in Mechanical Small and Medium Enterprises: Does Quality Influence Performances?”, International academy of management and business, 15th IAMB Conference, ha conseguito il Best Student Paper Award – 2013 - Silvia Cantarello, tesi di dottorato dal titolo “Analysis of ambidexterity in the search phase of innovation process: a practice based approach” premiata dalla rivista Management Decision quale Highly commended award winner del 2011 Emerald/EFMD outstanding Doctoral research awards nella categoria Management and governance, Nosella A., PhD supervisor. -Agostini L., Filippini R. and Nosella A. (2014), Towards an integrated view of ambidexterity: an empirical investigation, 14th International CINet Conference, September 7-9, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN 978-90-77360-17-0, John Bessant Best Paper Award

Anna Nosella

Ordinario di diritto, Università degli Studi di Padova, Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali


Socio dal 2001
